Features vs. Benefits
From Pistachio Consulting
If you've heard me (or others) rant about features vs. benefits and you think you have it, but it's still a little tricky to sort through them, use this phrase after your "features"
"Which means that..."
And then finish the sentence. Those are your benefits. (and in the jargon below, your USP or unique selling proposition...)
ie, "we make websites with content management systems, which means that you are in total control" "we help you make better presentations, which means that you accomplish more and feel more confident when you speak" etc. etc. etc.
Source is someone named TW on a message board:
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 28
Re: USP Help continued...
If you're still out there...Here's an easy way to convert (read: uncover) your features into benefits. It's also a way to uncover your one GIANT/VITAL benefit -- upon which you can (+ should) hang your ENTIRE mrktng (for example, as Verizon has wisely done with the "It's the network" usp). It's just three simple words --- _____________________ ... which means that... _____________________ Just insert that after each of your known features, and complete the sentence. If you still end up with a feature, just keep adding that phrase ("which means that...") until you convert that feature into a benefit (remember, a feature is what you do/provide -- a benefit is what they GET -- classic example: waterproof boots --- dry feet) By doing this, you'll end up with a list of customer-oriented benefits (not features).To get (uncover) your ONE vital benefit, just take all the benefits you uncover, and keep reducing each of THOSE down too -- using the "which means that" phrase -- when you do that, you may find that all the benefits boil down to ONE (the same) CORE BENEFIT. If they do, you're in luck! You've now discovered the cornerstone of all your marketing msgs! Your USP. Consider having your USPs begin with the word "Get," --- as in, "You get..." Enjoy!-- TW
Laura Athavale Fitton, Principal
"When you've got something to say"
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