The Internet has been all a-buzz with the latest news on the new Twitter look and layout. I finally noticed a button on the top of my Twitter landing page this morning that invited me to check out the #NewTwitter. I was met with a pleasant surprise! Twitter has had a complete makeover!
I noticed right away that the new interface is more interactive and streamline. Now, the news stream is located on the left hand side of the screen, which frees up room on the right for featuring your number of followers, number of people who follow you, and trending topics for searching.
The change I like the best is when you click on a fellow user’s tweet, their profile and a few of their recent tweets pop up to the right. You are able to read their profile on the right while continuing to monitor your news feed on the left.
New partnerships with YouTube, Flickr, and Vimeo make it even easier to see embedded photos and videos on the right-hand side of the screen.
So far, so good, Twitter! I like the new layout and right now on my personal account, I still have the option to toggle back and forth between the old layout and new layout. The Furia Rubel corporate account does not have the option to review the new Twitter yet, but I’m sure as the weeks go on Twitter will continue to roll out the new features for all users.