Law Firm Marketing for attorneys, legal marketers, public relations specialists and others seeking useful integrated marketing, social media and PR expertise to assist with integrated marketing and public relations campaigns. To learn more, visit
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Understanding Dosages For Prescription Drugs - Q&A
Today, Joel Shpigel, the Diabetes Pharmacist, answers a number of these questions in his blog. I urge you to check it out! And when you're done, check out his online pharmacy (Focus Express Mail Pharmacy). It's nice to know there's a place to go where you actually get to speak to a friendly pharmacist, ask questions and get your prescriptions filled without the hastle of walking into a giant store only to be confronted with candy, high-calorie snacks, sodas and all the other highly-marketed carbs that contribute to obesity and diabetes!
Monday, January 28, 2008
PR for Lawyers Tip #5: Establish Your Key Messages
For the next step in your public relations planning, check back next Monday for The PR Lawyer’s Tip #6.
Excerpt from Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers, Copyright 2007. Furia Rubel Communications, Inc. To purchase book, click here.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Save a Tree with Catalog Choice
And to all those Aussie's out there, Happy Australia Day!!! I look forward to celebrating with our Aussie friends here in the U.S.A.....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Gina Furia Rubel's Book Signing - January, 23rd 2008
We would like to extend an invitation for everyone to come out and join us for Gina's first local book signing. We hope you to see you there. For additional information on the event see details below.
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
The Furia Rubel Team
What: Writers’ Night Book Signing - Featuring Gina Furia Rubel, Esq.
When: Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Where: Barnes & Noble
102 Park Avenue - Willow Grove, Pa. 19090
Friday, January 18, 2008
PR for Lawyers Tip #4: Define Your Target Audience
With regard to your public relations efforts, do you know exactly who you want to influence? These people are better known as your target audiences, and they should be defined as precisely and accurately as possible. Your target audiences should be the thought leaders and decision makers who will ultimately affect your firm’s bottom line. For most law firms, target audiences include current clients, prospective clients, referring counsel and firm employees. To help you define your target audiences further see some of the following questions below:
- Where are my target audiences?
- What are the demographics of this audience?
- In what industries do my target audiences work?
- What publications do my target audiences read?
How to Create Wealth and Freedom in Your Law Practice
Cole says, "Gina Furia Rubel, Esquire, one of the nation's most distinquished PR experts for lawyers and law firms has just written a electrifying book entitled "Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers", which is absolutely wonderful and packed full of great advice and powerful ideas to promote your firm and practice
in a highly effective and cost efficient manner. If you want to build a
brand, create the visibility you deserve, and not spend an arm and a leg on
traditional have got to get her book, which can be found
I've also had the opportunity to read Cole's book: How
to Create Wealth and Freedom in your Law Practice, 101 Powerful Client
Development & Retention Strategies for Attorneys. It's a compendium of
information that no attorney should be without.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Small Business Success: Tips for the Small Entrepreneur
Westhoven explains that competitiveness is key to success for the small business entrepreneur…at first. As time goes on, she explains you must ease your competitive instincts to keep not only yourself sane, but also your employees.
Do you have small business tips of your own? Go to and click on the ireport icon on the right-hand side of the toolbar and share your small business tips for success and possibly be shared in future reports.
PR for Lawyers Tip #3: Handling Perception
For the next step in your public relations planning, check back next Monday for The PR Lawyer’s Tip #4.
Excerpt from Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers, Copyright 2007. Furia Rubel Communications, Inc. To purchase book, click here.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Philadelphia Bar's Chancellor's Reception Means Great Networking
The event took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue from 5 to 7 p.m. but it went on much longer. When I arrived at 6 p.m. the receiving line was snaked through two hallways and the hotel security were holding individuals on the first floor waiting for the line to subside. I just kept thinking, "Go Michael." It was great to see such a large and diverse turn out at such a great networking event.
Networking is the quintessential public relations tool. And what a night it was. I ran into colleagues that I haven't seen in many years - as far back as grade school!
Some of the other notables that I had the chance to see were Immediate-Past Chancellor Jane Leslie Dalton, Chancellor-Elect Sayde J. Ladov and Vice Chancellor Scott F. Cooper, Past Chancellors Carl Primavera, Abraham C. Reich, and Andrew A. Chirls, my dear friend and legal PR pro, Dan Cirucci, and my loving father Richard F. Furia, just to name a few. Needless to say, it's a must attend event!
According to a press release issued by Mark Tarasiewicz of the Philadelphia Bar Association, "The annual Chancellor's Reception has been a longstanding Philadelphia tradition. Even the city's busiest and most successful legal luminaries as well as community, city and state leaders patiently wait in a long line to wish the Chancellor good luck in the year ahead. At times, the line of nearly1,000 well-wishers will flow through the ballroom foyer, around corridors and down the escalator that leads guests to the ballroom level." How right indeed.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Bill Gates Public Relations Brilliance at It's Best: From Gina Rubel
The video is public relations brilliance at it's best. . . and what money can buy! I can only imagine how much this video must have cost. It's star studded with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Brian Williams, Matthew McConaughey, George Clooney, Bono of U-2, Steven Spielberg and Jay-Z! Wow. Now that's power to say the least.
Here's what some others are saying about the video:
Reel Pop (Steve Bryant):
Wired (Jose Fermoso):
e-Week (Joe Wilcox):
Seattle Post (Monica Guzman):
Monday, January 07, 2008
PR for Lawyers Tip #2: Review Business Goals
For the next step in your public relations planning, check back next Monday for The PR Lawyer’s Tip #3.
Excerpt from Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers, Copyright 2007. Furia Rubel Communications, Inc. To purchase book, click here.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Dick Polman Remembers Judge Lisa Richette - A Perfect Tribute
I remember a particular homicide case more that a decade ago when I worked for the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. Jude Conroy was the Philadelphia prosecutor. The case was against a couple who left their disabled young child in a crib inside their house - only heated by kerosene - to go out and sell crack and induldge themselves. The house caught on fire and by the time the child was rescued, he was burned over a large percentage of his body. The child lived for months (perhaps seven if my memory is right) in severe pain and then died. It was a bench trial (no jury) and the judge found the couple guilty of homicide. I remember crying in the back of the room for the child and knowing that the judge did the right thing. She came down so hard on those parents - her words stung deep - but she was right - she was brilliant - she was passionate - and she followed the letter of the law.
Judge Richette was the first woman judge in Philadelphia and an active member of The Justinian Society. As stated so nicely by Rudolph Garcia, Chancellor of The Justinian Society:
"Judge Richette epitomized the ideals of The Justinian Society and was an inspiration to all of us. In 1994, we selected her as the first recipient of the Beccaria Award. Since then, the award has been presented annually by the Justinian Society and the Criminal Justice Section of the Philadelphia Bar Association to a legal jurist, scholar or practitioner for outstanding contributions to the cause of justice and the advancement of legal education. Judge Richette also was the first recipient of The Justinian Society’s Outstanding Women in the Law Award, in June 2000."
Thank you to Dick Polman for remembering Judge Richette. She truly deserves the accolades.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Improving Your Pitches: E-Mail Etiquette
1. Focusing Your Subject Line
2. Directly Addressing A Query
3. Creating An Interesting Client Bio
4. Avoiding Clichés
5. Placing Press Releases In An E-Mail
6. Making Follow-Ups Clear And Concise
7. Attaching Files To Reporters
For more information, go to the article Tip of the Month: Improving Your E-mail Pitches from Top to Bottom.
Planning Your Communications Before Choosing Your Tacticians
"In 2008, it'll be up to you employed in large firms and PR agencies advising large law to assess whether you really know what you are doing when marketing via social networking. If not, it's time to get some help rather than dismissing marketing mediums you don't understand. Dismissing innovation only hurts the law firm and is ultimately going to cost you your job."
Kevin makes a good point. It is so important to work with experts who know what they're doing in every area of marketing whether it's direct marketing, social media, public relations or trade advertising. But first, law firms need to assess their communications plans and make sure their plans have solid and measurable goals and objectives. Once they know what they want to accomplish, then, and only then, should they determine which tactics will be best to reach their target audiences effectively and efficiently.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
PR for Lawyers Tip # 1: Understand Public Relations
In the big scheme of legal communications, “marketing” is the overall umbrella term under which many forms of communications fall. The “marketing” of a law firm often entails:
-Business Development
-Client Services
-Marketing (brochures, Web sites, direct mail, etc.)
-Public Relations
The public relations portion of your firm’s marketing must be a strategic part of a carefully considered marketing plan so that it complements the branding,advertising, business development, client services, sponsorships and othercommunication initiatives. The role of public relations is to help build thefirm’s brand equity by delivering key messages to target audiences to elicit aparticular response and thus shape public opinion, attitudes and beliefs. Inother words, PR is the method by which we communicate messages about ourselves, our firms, and our understanding of the law and the cases we handle onan everyday basis.

Excerpt from Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers, Copyright 2007. Furia Rubel Communications, Inc. To purchase book, click here.