In the big scheme of legal communications, “marketing” is the overall umbrella term under which many forms of communications fall. The “marketing” of a law firm often entails:
-Business Development
-Client Services
-Marketing (brochures, Web sites, direct mail, etc.)
-Public Relations
The public relations portion of your firm’s marketing must be a strategic part of a carefully considered marketing plan so that it complements the branding,advertising, business development, client services, sponsorships and othercommunication initiatives. The role of public relations is to help build thefirm’s brand equity by delivering key messages to target audiences to elicit aparticular response and thus shape public opinion, attitudes and beliefs. Inother words, PR is the method by which we communicate messages about ourselves, our firms, and our understanding of the law and the cases we handle onan everyday basis.

Excerpt from Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers, Copyright 2007. Furia Rubel Communications, Inc. To purchase book, click here.
"Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers is incredible! I definitely learned a ton. I love the quotes at the beginning of each chapter too - they share great inspiration and great advice for any professional."
- Alicia MacGlaughlin, Masters of Secondary Mathematics Education, Teacher of High School Mathematics, Delaware County, Pa.
I read your book and it's dead on. Great work. Every should get his hands on Everyday Public Relations for Lawyers.
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