PR News Unveils Industry Advocacy Campaign: "It's the PR"
New York, NY (March 31, 2009) - Underscoring the relevance of public relations to drive marketplace success, influence ideas and manage reputations, PR News has rolled out the industry's first-ever advocacy campaign touting the power of public relations. The "It's the PR!" campaign's main message is that PR is a major driving force, albeit an often unrecognized or dismissed area of the marketing mix.
PR News, the leading information resource among PR professionals, has launched an online store where communications professionals can express their support for PR. Located at, the It's the PR store includes branded merchandise plus case studies of PR's powerful impact on the marketplace of ideas, products and services of all kinds. PR News' social media site, PR Peeps, also includes a special section called It's the PR where the thousands of users can share mini-case studies of PR's influence.
So, Why PR?
? 72% of senior level marketers perceive PR to be most valuable in supporting product marketing and launches (Council of PR Firms and Advertising Age).
? Total communications spending expanded at a compound annual growth rate of 5.9% to a record $885.2 billion, driven by strong gains in alternative advertising, marketing, and institutional spending.
? Overall communications spending is projected to grow 6.4%, exceed $1 trillion, and post a CAGR of 6.7%.
? While consumer media usage dipped 0.5%, institutional time spent with media increased 3.2%, according to the first-ever analysis of business media usage patterns.
Source: The Council of PR Firms
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