Thursday, April 01, 2010

Philadelphia Bar Association Launches Presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Group

Get instant access to up-to-the-minute news on Association programs and initiatives, photos from events, and breaking local and national legal news through the Association’s new Facebook page and Twitter feed, both available on many mobile devices as well as online. At the same time, the Association has augmented and re-launched its LinkedIn page as a members-only resource.

The new services can be activated by visiting and clicking on the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn icons. Members must register with each respective Web site to gain access to the new services. These sites enable the Association to expand its relationship with members by offering more convenient and immediate access to issues pertinent to the Philadelphia legal community. Members with questions about the Association’s social media sites can contact Communications Manager Michael Petitti at

1 comment:

Salem Personal Injury Attorney Information said...

Smart move because just by being on Twitter and Facebook can improve ones online presence immensely.