Friday, April 16, 2010

Twitter stream for Rubel's Presentation to Legal Marketing Assoc. Metro. Philadelphia Social Media for PR

Yesterday, I had the pleasure to present Leveraging Social Media for PR at the Legal Marketing Association Metropolitan Philadelphia Chapter. Before the program, I created a Hashtag on Twitter #LMAPHL (which I hope the chapter will continue to use) and pre-scheduled tweets of what I was going to say using I shared this with the group at the beginning of the program too.

Today, I went on to capture the Twitter stream and share it with our readers (thanks to the help of @tjeong who set it up for me at Although there is often redundance because people re-tweet what has been said, wthashtag captures the transcript and converts it to chronological order which makes it much easier to read.

Here is what the dashboard looks like on for #LMAPHL:

I have also copied and pasted the transcript below for your convenience.

Transcript from April 15, 2010 to April 16, 2010: All times are Pacific Time

April 15, 2010

3:50 pm GinaRubel: Today I'm presenting Leveraging Social Media for PR to the Legal Marketing Association Metro Phila Chapter #LMA will be tweeting at #LMAPHL

4:05 pm GinaRubel: Social media benefits for Lawyers = biz dev, referral source relations, community relations, crisis mgt, info and event sharing #LMAPHL

4:10 pm GinaRubel: Social media benefits for Lawyers = internal communications, issue advocacy, marketing, PR and media relations #LMAPHL #LMA

4:15 pm GinaRubel: Lawyers should blog b/c it's authoritative, great for SEO, should be niched, supports law firm marketing strategies #LMA #LMAPHL

4:15 pm GinaRubel: Social media benefits for Lawyers = network building, reputation mgt, thought leadership, client advocacy, litigation mgt #LMAPHL #LMA

4:18 pm CRMSuccess: About to hear @GinaRubel speak to #LMAPHL about social networking and PR.

4:20 pm GinaRubel: Lawyers PR strategy for LinkedIn should be to create content then share then engage #LMAPHL #LMA

4:20 pm GinaRubel: Blogging support PR and marketing for lawyers through exposure, thought leadership, SEO, brand reinforcement, rep mgt #LMAPHL #LMA

4:20 pm GinaRubel: RT @CRMSuccess: About to hear @GinaRubel speak to #LMAPHL about social networking and PR.

4:22 pm aleiter: RT @GinaRubel: Lawyers PR strategy for LinkedIn should be to create content then share then engage #LMAPHL #LMA

4:25 pm GinaRubel: Lawyers should engage carefully on Facebook b/c of inherent litigation issues although great biz dev tool #LMAPHL #LMA

4:25 pm GinaRubel: Lawyers and law firms should ALL have profiles on LinkedIn which should fit w/i firm social media policy, support brand #LMAPHL #LMA

4:30 pm GinaRubel: Watch out for litigation issues = jurors use of social media, witnesses friending attorneys, parties sharing case info #LMAPHL #LMA

4:35 pm GinaRubel: Twitter is a great tool to leverage PR for legal marketers / lawyers #LMAPHL #LMA

4:40 pm GinaRubel: Great social media tools include HootSuite, OneForty, TweetBeep, iGoogle, Google Alerts, Feedburner, HelloTxt #LMAPHL #LMA

4:41 pm LindsayGriffith: RT @GinaRubel: Social media benefits for Lawyers = internal communications, issue advocacy, marketing, PR and media relations #LMAPHL #LMA

4:41 pm LindsayGriffith: YES RT @GinaRubel: Lawyers PR strategy for LinkedIn should be to create content then share then engage #LMAPHL #LMA

4:41 pm LindsayGriffith: RT @GinaRubel: Lawyers should engage carefully on Facebook b/c of inherent litigation issues although great biz dev tool #LMAPHL #LMA

4:44 pm johnmbyrne: Listening to @GinaRubel present to #LMAPHL on social media for law firm PR. Good stuff!

4:45 pm GinaRubel: Twitter strategy for PR & Mkt should be to follow then listen then create content then engage in conversation #LMAPHL #LMA

4:50 pm GinaRubel: Target law firm audiences on Twitter = biz and community leaders, media, clients & prospects, colleagues (con't) #LMAPHL #LMA

4:50 pm GinaRubel: Target law firm audiences on Twitter =competition, family, friends, gov't officials, judges, industry experts, referral sources #LMAPHL #LMA

4:53 pm CRMSuccess: Lead by example. Use the tools. @GinaRubel #LMAPHL

4:53 pm alinwagnerlahmy: RT @GinaRubel: Social media benefits for Lawyers = internal communications, issue advocacy, marketing, PR and media relations #LMAPHL #LMA

4:55 pm GinaRubel: Great social media, marketing, PR and biz dev tool for lawyers / law firms = JD Supra #LMAPHL #LMA

4:55 pm CRMSuccess: Your audiences don't want to listen to 'all about you' - make it about them. @GinaRubel #LMAPHL

5:00 pm GinaRubel: Lawyers need to leverage video content - YouTube + SEO when done right - strategy create good content, post and share #LMAPHL #LMA

5:20 pm LindsayGriffith: RT @GinaRubel: Great social media, marketing, PR and biz dev tool for lawyers / law firms = JD Supra #LMAPHL #LMA

5:23 pm nancymyrland: Gina = Smart! RT @johnmbyrne: Listening to @GinaRubel present to #LMAPHL on social media for law firm PR. Good stuff!

5:23 pm CRMSuccess: You can't do it all. Pick a few social media tools and use them well. @GinaRubel #LMAPHL

8:27 pm JDSupra: thx! RT @LindsayGriffith: RT @GinaRubel: Great social media, marketing, PR and biz dev tool for lawyers / law firms = JD Supra #LMAPHL #LMA

8:30 pm legalisi @GinaRubel did a fine job at the LMA luncheon today. Lots of interesting ideas and tips for SM in legal marketing. #LMAPHL

April 16, 2010

1:09 am gaillamarche: RT @GinaRubel: Twitter strategy for PR & Mkt should be to follow then listen then create content then engage in conversation #LMAPHL #LMA

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