Thursday, November 15, 2007

Green Practices – Giving Your Firm A Competitive Edge

Environmentally friendly trends such as recycling and energy conservation should be a part of our everyday lives. So how can you and your company capitalize on this trend?

In Hamilton Nolan’s, “Green Practices Can Benefit Firms’ Bottom Line,” in the October 1st, 2007 version of PR Week, Nolan incorporates great tips on how your company can save money by being environmentally friendly. Also, adopting “green” practices can be a great way to position your company as condoning revolutionary business practices.

General suggestions for day-to-day practices include:
-become conscience about energy consumption
-use recycled materials
-use energy conserving office equipment

There are many ways other ways to get business green.
-Hire an environmentally conscience cleaning service that uses all natural, non-toxic cleaning solutions like the one we use here in Doylestown, Pa.: Harmony Clean.
-Make sure recycling containers (especially paper) are available in all offices or at least departments in your firm.
-Recycle print cartridges by using the self-mailers that are included in the packaging. (Here’s an article on how to recycle laser and ink-jet print cartridges.) You can even turn you “trash into cash” at

Taking steps to “green” your company’s practices can be as simple as turning off the lights when you exit a room or putting your computer on stand-by when not using it for more than 10 minutes. Post signs around the office to remind your staff to Be Green!

Little changes make a big difference. That concept is what potential clients are looking for – recognizing the little details that matter. In the end, wouldn’t you want your business relationship to care about the details?

If you want more information, check out the article online.

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