Yesterday afternoon I listened in on a Help a Reporter Out (HARO) webinar about some new features offered through paid subscriptions that Vocus will be offering. The webinar hosted by Peter Shankman, the founder of HARO, focused on explaining the upcoming changes to the email service. HARO is a free email service that sends e-blasts of journalist inquiries out to experts who are signed up to receive them. Many PR professionals utilize the service on behalf of their clients.
HARO will be offering paid subscriptions at three tier levels – $19, $49 and $149 – with a variety of new features including:
- Search by using keywords – instead of getting the entire list of HARO queries, you can focus in on only the keywords you want to see.
- Build a profile – Journalists can see your profile (or a client’s profile) with a list of areas of expertise and topics you (or your client) can speak to that may be newsworthy.
- Search the entire database of journalists’ queries – research past queries from a journalist to see what their beat is and what they like to cover.
- Headstart – Paid versions will receive queries before the entire free “Master” list so those who subscribe to a paid version get extra time to craft a pitch and send it in to the query.
- Agencies can get unlimited alerts and profiles through the Premium. They suggest setting up profiles for every client.
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