Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rubel to Moderate Philadelphia Bar Association’s Bar-News Media Committee Hosts “Meet and Greet Your Legal Beat Reporters” Luncheon

On Tuesday, April 22, Gina Rubel will serve as a moderator for the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Bar-News Media Committee's “Meet and Greet Your Legal Beat Reporters” Luncheon held at the Philadelphia Bar Association at 1101 Market Street, 11th Floor Conference Center at noon.

The purpose of the “Meet and Greet Your Legal Beat Reporters” event is to provide a quality and diversified educational program that address regional media opportunities and help build relationships between members of the bar and members of the media.

Panelists for the event include:
  • Jeff Blumenthal, Legal Reporter for the Philadelphia Business Journal
  • Mike Dunn, City Hall Bureau Chief for KYW Newsradio
  • Chris Mondics, Legal Reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Gina Passarella, Staff Reporter for The Legal Intelligencer

Lunch tickets are optional and available at $7.50 per person. For more information or to register contact the Philadelphia Bar Association at (215) 238-6300 or register on-line at All reservations that are not cancelled 24 hours prior to the event will be subject to a cancellation fee of $7.50

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