Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get Involved With Twitter Chats

Posted by Amanda Walsh

When I was living in Madrid, I began to notice many people getting together on Twitter every week at the same time tweeting using common hashtags such as #blogchat or #journchat to connect all of their comments together. Eventually I realized that people were participating in scheduled Twitter chats. What a great idea!

A Twitter chat is a scheduled time every week when Twitter users get together to discuss a topic of interest. Since I’m back in the same time zone as many of the people I follow, I have begun participating in a few on a regular basis.

Twitter Chats I recommend are:

* #u30pro chat "is a place for working professionals to drive the discussion to bridge the generational gap, demolish stereotypes and break down differences in the professional workplace."
* #PRstudchat brings together public relations students, professors and professionals alike. There is #journchat, for journalists and public relations professionals as well.
* #Commschat is a London-based chat that brings together communications professionals from all over the globe in a variety of industries.

Why are chats so great for public relations and marketing? You can connect with others. It’s all about building relationships and Twitter chats are an awesome way to connect with peers all around the world. When you start to participate in chats regularly you see the same Twitter users all the time. You’re able to foster relationships with people, seek or give advice and share tips. Check out some of the recommendations I provided or Google search some of interest to you!
(photo credit: http://lacasacomics.com/)

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