Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Community & Social Media Program - Phila. 9/22/08 - Jayne Navarre

If you're going to be in or around Philadelphia on September 22nd, please join us for "Community and Social Media—Use It or Lose" featuring Jayne Navarre, Managing Director of
LawGravity LLC. Jayne is a social media guru and will have lots of information to share.

The Program:

Law firms and businesses impacted by the media, who rely on the media to get their message out, or who drive the media—that is, most everyone—can capitalize on social computing to gain new business, clients and connections. Or they can resist change, miss opportunities and get left behind.

For those new to community and social media and its powerful potential in building relationships, this presentation will give you basic background. For those who’ve already tested or plunged into the social computing waters, you may find Ms. Navarre’s prospective as a veteran in-house legal marketer and Web strategist helpful in adding new ideas to your social-networking tool kit.

Although social computing will not likely replace in whole face-to-face networking and transactions, it’s a potent force here to stay for the foreseeable future. Social computing in its many forms helps flatten the world, crossing geographic and cultural and organizational borders—and at low cost.

Bottom line: The rapid growth of social computing is changing the way public relations practitioners, marketers and advertisers help businesses succeed. As a result, lawyers and those in the legal industry need to understand how social computing is impacting not only their own profession but also the success of their clients and their businesses.

Key questions this presentation addresses include:
-How quickly must I adapt or lose ground?
-What types of relationships are effectively built using community and social media tools?
-How do all the pieces fit together?
-What are special concerns for the legal industry?
-How do you know which tools to use when?
-When should I blog, tweet or send e-mail?
-How will the semantic Web move things forward?

About Jayne

Jayne Navarre has over 13 years of experience working in law firms with lawyers and marketers leading marketing departments and directing strategy, business development and communications. She understands the way lawyers work, think, and communicate with clients and the media, and what they need to do to build an exceptional client base. In addition to providing core services as a traditional business development coach and marketing communications specialist, Ms. Navarre has achieved a leading position in helping lawyers and law firms put new social media tools to work for them. Her holistic approach improves not only the way in which law firms communicate to various constituencies, but also targets the content of their messaging. More information about Ms. Navarre and her consulting enterprise, LawGravity LLC, can be found at Feel free to contact her at 786-208-9108 or jln [at]

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