Thursday, May 29, 2008

Crafting and Marketing Your Image: Phila 6/3/08

If you're a young lawyer (or your firm employs young lawyers) in the Philadelphia market, here's a progam that you will find beneficial next week.
Philadelphia Bar Association Young Lawyers Division

Crafting and Marketing Your Image:What Every Young Lawyer Needs To Know

Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 12:00 p.m.
Philadelphia Bar Association1101 Market Street, 11th Floor Conference Center

How do you know if your professional image is working for you? Join us for a candid discussion on the do's and don'ts of building your own personal "brand," and learn the secrets of professional persuasion from the experts. Discover how to edit and tailor your own image to "impress for success." From creating your own style, to attire, speech, and developing a realistic, workable marketing plan -- learn the "hot-button" issues and walk away knowing what today's potential clients and business contacts expect.

Featuring Panelists:

Gina Furia Rubel, Esq.
President/CEO, Furia Rubel Communications, Inc.

Brian Lipstein
Henry A. Davidsen Master Tailors and Image Consultants

Jennifer Smuts, Esq.
Director of Marketing, Woodcock Washburn

Maggie Suender, Esq.
Director of Associate Development, Pepper Hamilton LLP

Moderated by:
Natalie Klyashtorny, Esq.
Nochumson, P.C.

********** Detach Here **********
Please print this page and return to: YLD, Crafting Your Image – June 3, 2008 – Luncheon ProgramPhiladelphia Bar Association, 1101 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2911 - Fax (215) 238-1159 or register online at The cost of lunch is $3.00 per person and will only be prepared for those that have made reservations and paid in advance either via check or credit card. Checks should be made payable to the Philadelphia Bar Association. To secure your reservation, please complete the from below, including credit card information, unless a check has been included. All reservations that are not canceled 24 hours prior to the event will be subject to a cancellation fee of $3.00.

__Yes, I will attend and buy lunch.
__Yes, I will attend but bring my own lunch.
Credit Card #:
Expiration Date:
Signature: ___________________________
Please check one: ___Amex ___Visa ___MasterCard

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